Bells - Supporting the Tradition of Change Ringing

The DFET has funded new rings of bells in church towers in London, Cambridge and New York.
The founder of the DFET, Dill Faulkes, learned to ring as a teenager and is a member of the Ancient Society of College Youths and the St Paul's Guild of Ringers. Change ringing is a peculiarly English tradition, with the bells mounted on wheels. The bells rest in an upright position and strike once during a full rotation. Rather than ringing 'tunes', the bells move according to mathematical permutations called 'changes'.
The ringing community comprises around 40,000 active bell ringers in the UK and around 6,000 rings of bells in the British Isles (mainly concentrated in England). In addition, there are more than 120 towers outside the UK hung for change ringing.
The DFET has funded new bells at:
-St Michael's Cornhill in the City of London
-Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York
-Great St Mary's, Cambridge